Dominican University of California Online
now offers three Professional Certificates as
of their Continuing Education,
Development program!

               WHY COMPLETE A
rolledcertificate.jpgCERTIFICATE PROGRAM?

•  Advance your academic achievement in areas of specialized expertise to assist you in professional development. Upon successful completion of a certificate program, you will earn a certificate suitable for framing, as well as notation on your transcript.

• Complete your certificate program within 4 to 18 months!

•  Gain expertise in a specific area of study and provided value-added benefits that are highly visible in your school.

•  Develop and update your professional skills and knowledge with 15 post-baccalaureate Semester Credits/Units.


  • Blending Learning Certificate
  • ECE Certificate
  • Teacher Leadership Certificate
  • Technology Integration Certificate
  • Trauma Informed Practices Certificate